In no situation does it seem 'fun' to play a bunch of slots and then move onto unrelated strategy games. Someone who likes strategy games, but might put the slot machines on for background arcade noise.Split families where one person is like #1 and one like #2, but the #1 doesn't care about unlocking games and the #2 person would only begrudgingly play games of chance to unlock the games he/she really wants to play Wheel of Fortune is one of those games, the rules of which are not complicated at all, but the entertainment is nevertheless extremely exciting.The strategy-game person who doesn't care for games of chance.The (likely older) slot-machine fanatic that loves games of chance but does not care for the mental effort of strategy games.It seems to me the most common player situations would be these: It just seems so weird to me to have an acknowledgment of 'unlockable' games that are of a different nature, and not otherwise heavily advertised alongside the main game. When I think of traditional 'unlocked' games, it's usually a variation on the main game some easter egg of a smaller game within a larger one or some surprise hidden IP/license that's not advertised. Can anyone - anyone?! - explain why they'd make those games 'unlockable?'